Adam Abrahamsson

I've honed a unique blend of technical and artistic skills, fusing analytical thinking with creativity to bring ideas to life. Whether crafting a web application, constructing a robot, or fixing the instant pot I just broke, I love turning ideas into reality.

I am naturally curious and unafraid to learn new things and I constantly have new projects and ideas in the works. I grew up in Sweden and recently moved to the lush state of Washington in the United States to marry my wonderful wife. Now, I am seeking a place where I can provide value by merging logic with creativity.

Feel free to contact me anytime at

What I Like To Do

Early Stage Product Development

I like to develop products, especially the first stages where we explore possibilities and go from a problem to a functional concept. I enjoy the research and the iterative development towards a solution that exceeds expectations. The type of product does not matter, as the same process can be applied to anything.


I thrive in producing stunning visuals and animations. Visualization has become an indispensable tool in my belt for communicating my ideas and understanding problems. It seems like, no matter what I do, visualization helps me do it.

3D Web App Development

By combining visualization with coding we can achieve new heights in communication. Let customers explore your product on their phones or immerse themselves in a VR experience. The possibilities here are endless.

What People Say


VISBY LLC Marketing Video

I solely produced this marketing video for me and my friend’s company VISBY LLC. Unfortunately, this venture has ended but I’m satisfied with the quality of the animation. The quotes are real and came from one of our customers, Team Lodge, that we did a lot of work for.

One of my favorite learnings from this project was a professional color grading workflow from Blender to Da Vinci Resolve.

Blender: Modeling, Lighting, Rendering, Editing
Da Vinci Resolve: Color Grading

Chair Design Presentation Video

This was a presentation video that me and a fellow student produced in a Material Design course. We had designed the chair focusing on the material selection and wanted to show off the final result. I did most of the modeling, animation and rendering. My fellow student did the editing.

Blender: Modeling, Lighting, Rendering, Editing, Compositing

Product Development

Bachelor Thesis - Bicycle Bench

This was a continuation of a group project in a Design Methodology course. Our proposal of a bicycle bench was selected by the client, Väsbyhem, for continued development. This turned into my individual Bachelor Thesis Project with the goal of turning the “concept into reality”. It involved design iterations, material selection, visualization and much more.

Click on the image for a visual presentation of the project.

Louis Vuitton Stroller

This was my design project in an Advanced Product Design course in the Industrial Engineering master's program. The focus of the project was on brand analysis and user feedback.

Click on the image for more information.

3D Web Applications

Team Lodge - Trailer Configurator

My good friend and I developed a 3D trailer configurator for Team Lodge. This is currently in use and our work with Team Lodge received much praise. (See quotes in the Visby video above) I did all the 3D models, designed the UI, created the icons, and much of the coding. My friend helped out with coding and integrating the application with Team Lodge’s CRM system.

Software: Blender, Verge 3D, VS Code, Netlify

Skills: HTML, CSS, UI/UX, 3D modeling, Asset optimization

Click on the image to go to try the app.

Apple TV 4k - Product Demo

This was a small project to showcase my abilities with Blender and Verge 3D. It is a simple product demo of a Apple TV 4k and the Siri Remote. You can interact with the Apple TV by pressing the different buttons on the remote. I modeled the remote and the Apple TV 4k (click on it to see it up close). I coded all the functionality using Verge 3D’s block system which is very effective for quick prototyping. I also had to put together many of the graphics like the movie poster’s shown.

Software: Blender, Verge 3D, Affinity Designer

Skills: Asset creation, Atlas Map creation, Graphic Design, Verge 3D puzzles.

Click on the image to go to try the app.

House Explorer Prototype

This is a prototype to explore the possibilities of a house exploration application. You can explore the house from above, show/hide the roof, walk around in first person, show/hide furniture and also configure the interior and exterior colors. I did everything, from the design of the logo to the coding of the application.

Software: Blender, Verge 3D, VS Code, Krita

Skills: HTML, CSS, UI/UX, 3D modeling, Asset optimization

Click on the image to go to try the app.

Communication Material

EOL VENT Leaflet Design

I was hired by Eol Vent Mining to produce a leaflet that describes what they do. They hand these out on exhibitions.

Click on the image to see the final leaflet design.

Heat Exchanger Proposal - EOL VENT

I was hired by Eol Vent Mining to produce a persuasive tender for their heat exchanger solution. This was presented to LKAB in Kiruna. A technical limitation of this solution made them go another route, however LKAB was very impressed and requested that I would visualize the other solution the same way as I had done this one.

The tender shown to LKAB had multiple animations, unfortunately the PDF version above does not have them.

Click on the image to get the final tender.

Research & Development

Development of a pressure dissolution aerator for wastewater treatment

3B Trading and Development

I was tasked with researching, developing, and building a pressure dissolution aerator for wastewater treatment. This was a very ambitious project with many interconnected fields. Probably my most technically advanced project to date.

Click on the image to get the master thesis report.

Resume PDF

In case you need it, it is here.

Click on the image to get the resume.

Miscellaneous work